1. Upload a survey file that only has a single sheet, ending with .csv or .xlsx. The file should be less than 8MB, and we are fixing some bugs to accept large files.

2. Enter your valid email address ending with @intuit.com. The results would be sent to your email in about ten minutes after you submit the job.

3. Enter columns index letters the engine would run the Sentiment Analysis and Phrases Extraction. Columns index letters should be capitalized and separated by commas if more than one column letter. Example: A O,K M,N,A etc.

4. Select the checkbox and enter a number if you want to set a threshold to Key Phrases Extraction. The number means the number of words in extracted phrases, for example: "the mobile app" is 3, "helpful tool" is 2, and "concur" is 1. If you set the number to 2 and submit the job, you would get all extracted key phrases that have at least 2 words. If you submit the job without selecting the checkbox, you would get all extracted key phrases of all lengths.

5. In about 10 minutes, you would receive a zip file sent to your email. When you unzip the zip file, you would get a survey summary file (count number of Positive, Negative, Mixed, Neutral in each column you chose), a survey output file (sentiment analysis results could be found for each column you chose), and several key phrases text files (for each column you chose, there would be a pos and a neg files).